Big Firm Legal Work at Small Firm Rates


Doug Weinstein, Esq.


Doug Weinstein has been a litigator and business attorney for over 25 years, advising individuals and companies ranging from startups to Fortune 100 companies on all aspects of complex transactions and disputes

Doug has an engineering degree earning a double-major in electrical engineering and math from Vanderbilt University, and a law degree from the University of New Hampshire.  Unlike most attorneys, he has seven years of engineering industry experience during which he received his MBA from the University of Alabama Birmingham.

Leaving big firm life, Doug established this practice to focus on bringing individual attention to his clients at significant cost savings to them. As a former partner with Jones Day and Finnegan, Doug has negotiated cross-licensing deals with hundreds of millions of dollars of royalties at stake; been part of bet-the-company litigations involving complex patents, trade secrets, and copyrights; and guided Fortune 500 companies through strategic intellectual property planning. Doug has procured patents and destroyed opponents’ patents and has assisted companies in buying patents and performing due diligence on M&A deals.

Doug has lectured hundreds of times before business, engineering, and legal groups and has taught patent litigation and licensing in law schools. He regularly mentors young attorneys.